4 Reasons Why This Portable Piano Should Come Back in Style

Keytar Fun

The keytar is making a comeback! Though it may seem like a strange piece of equipment to some, this portable piano has a lot of benefits that could make it a hit with music lovers once again. Here are four reasons why the keytar should come back in style.

What Type of Instrument is a Keytar?

Young woman holding a keytar in a music store
Zero Creatives / Image Source / Getty Images

A keytar is a type of musical instrument that combines the features of a keyboard and a guitar and is meant to be played standing up. Here are just a few reasons why you should learn how to play a keytar:

  • Keytars are extremely versatile instruments. They can be used for a wide range of genres, from pop and rock to jazz and blues.
  • They are relatively easy to learn how to play. Even if you’ve never played an instrument before, you’ll be able to pick up the basics relatively quickly.
  • They are great for both solo performers and bands. If you’re a solo artist, a keytar can add an extra level of excitement and energy to your live shows. If you’re in a band, a keytar can help fill out the sound and provide accompaniment for the other instruments.
  • Keytars are fun! Learning how to play a keytar can be a great way to challenge yourself musically and add an element of fun to your practice sessions.

Of course, if you’re going to learn how to play the keytar instrument, you’ll need to learn the basics of keyboard first. Sign up for keyboard lessons and check out the video below for more inspiration:


Are Keytars Still Used?

Ever since the 1980s, keytars have been synonymous with synth-pop and new wave music. 

With their sleek design and flashy neon colors, keytars were the ultimate status symbol for wannabe rock stars. 

Today, however, keytars are somewhat of a relic, having been replaced by more advanced keyboard controllers. 

Nevertheless, there is still a small but dedicated group of keytar enthusiasts who continue to rock out with these funky instruments. While they may not be as popular as they once were, keytars still have a place in the hearts of many music lovers.

What is the Point of a Keytar?

The keytar is a type of portable keyboard that is worn like a guitar. Keytars first gained popularity in the 1970s, and they have been used by a variety of musicians since then. 

Keytars are particularly well-suited for electronic and dance music, as they allow the player to move around freely while still playing complex melodies. In recent years, the keytar has also been used in a number of rock and pop bands. 

While some people dismiss the keytar as a gimmick, there is no denying that it is a unique and powerful musical instrument. The keytar gives performers the ability to express themselves in new and exciting ways, and it adds an extra level of energy to any live performance. 

Whether you love them or hate them, there is no doubt that keytars are here to stay.

4 Reasons Why You Should Love the Keytar

The piano is an instrument that will never go out of style. The various forms of electronic keyboards, however, have seen waves of popularity, as technology advances and exciting new features are added to new models. While some keyboardists are content to stay horizontal, a handful of musical trailblazers have been known to work their magic on that most interesting hybrid of instruments – the keytar. Whether you’re new to learning keyboard, or a seasoned expert, the keytar can be a fun instrument to explore.

Check out these four reasons why the keytar deserves its niche in the world of popular band instruments.

       1. They’re more portable for travel than stand-up keyboards.

Some keyboardists are inseparable from their massive setups, with big stands, multiple keyboards, extra controls, and more. However, many touring artists prefer to have less baggage to check while traveling, and the keytar can be the ideal solution for this. Power/speed metal band Cellador is based out of Denver, for example, but their keyboardist and keytarist Diego Valadez flies routinely from Los Angeles to perform with them; sometimes on longer tours, you’ll catch him showing off bigger toys, but mostly the keytar is his lightweight go-to. This is also a useful property when you’re first learning keyboard; a keytar is relatively easy to take to a friend’s house to jam!

       2. They allow you to be fully mobile on stage.

One of the most fun things about live performance is being able to jam out to the songs just like a fan! Many a keyboardist has had to restrain themselves to that knee-and-ankle rock back and forth, but with a keytar, this limitation is gone. Whole-body headbanging, strutting around, and all kinds of other options are opened up with a keytar’s mobility, especially when you make your setup even more efficient and versatile with additions like effect pedals. For those who like to sing and play at the same time, Alestorm’s Christopher Bowes is proof that a keytarist can be a great lead singer as well.

       3. They’re way more fun for fans to watch than traditional setups.

On a regular keyboard, the musician’s hands are typically a little hard for the audience to see. Most setups involve standing up, and the board being horizontal is an issue for fans up front. With a keytar, not only can the fans see your body language as you rock out, but they can get up close and personal with the sheer speed of your keyboard playing. Fans go wild when beloved keyboardists like Dream Theater’s Jordan Rudess break out the keytar and show off their skills. Take a look at this video to see what we mean (Rudess starts in at 0:20):

      4. They’re anything but an overdone gimmick.

Keytars sit in a convenient gray area, between the sheer power and audience command of an electric guitar, and the eccentricity of the accordion. Indeed, keytars and accordions appear commonly in good company, with “Weird” Al Yankovic being a champion of both. Keytars are a great way to make a standout statement, without quite going over the edge of oddness. Anyone learning keyboard who decides to pick up the keytar will find themselves in a small but solid crowd of company; other well-known artists who have featured this versatile instrument include Lady Gaga and Prince, as well as the bands Asia, Steely Dan, and MUSE.

Who Plays the Keytar?

The keytar is a relatively modern invention, first appearing in the 1970s. Since then, it has become a popular instrument among musicians of all genres. While the keytar is often associated with electronic music, it can be used in a variety of styles. 

In recent years, the keytar has made a comeback in popularity, thanks in part to its unique sound and versatility. Today, there are many different brands and models of keytars available on the market, making it easy for any musician to find the perfect instrument for their needs. 

Prince was one of the first major pop stars to make use of the keytar, and he used it to great effect on his album “Purple Rain.” Madonna also used a keytar on her hit single “Like a Virgin,” arguably the best keytar solo, and she continued to use it throughout her career. 

More recently, Lady Gaga has been spotted playing a keytar on stage, and she even used one on her album “ARTPOP.” Keytars are clearly here to stay, and there’s no doubt that they’ll continue to be used by some of the biggest names in music.

So who plays the keytar? The answer is simple: anyone who wants to!

How to Play Keytar

While most keytars have a similar layout to a traditional keyboard, there are some important differences that you need to be aware of before you start playing. 

For starters, keytars typically have fewer keys than a standard keyboard, which can take some getting used to. In addition, the placement of the keys is often staggered, which means that you’ll need to learn how to stretch your fingers in order to reach all the notes. But once you get the hang of it, playing keytar can be great fun. 

And with a little practice, you’ll be impressing your friends and family with your musical skills in no time.

Is Keytar Hard to Learn?

Man in glasses holding up a keytar
photo by Robbie Augspurger / Moment / Getty Images

Keytar is not an overly difficult instrument to learn, and with some practice, you can be playing your favorite songs in no time. The keytar is essentially a keyboard that is worn like a guitar, making it ideal for those who want to add a little extra flair to their performances. 

One of the best things about keytar is that it’s highly portable, meaning you can take it with you wherever you go. 

Whether you’re jamming out in your living room or performing on stage, the keytar is a great option for making music. So if you’re looking for a new challenge, don’t be discouraged by the lack of resources – the keytar may be just the instrument for you.

Where Can I Find a Keytar for Sale?

Young couple checking out a keytar in a music store
Zero Creatives / Image Source / Getty Images

If you’re looking for a keytar for sale, there are a few places you can check for a cheap keytar. First, try your local music store. Many music stores carry keytars and other types of electronic keyboards. If you don’t have any luck there, try searching online. A quick Google search will reveal a number of online retailers that sell keytars. Finally, if you’re still having trouble finding a keytar for sale, try contacting a company that specializes in electronic musical instruments. They may be able to help you find the perfect keyboard for your needs.

For both seasoned pianists and those new to learning keyboard, the keytar opens up a range of new and exciting possibilities. No matter where you are in your life’s musical progression, it’s always possible to benefit from some quality private lessons, so don’t be afraid to seek out a good teacher. There will always be new and interesting hybrid instruments invented, so stay versatile and have some fun exploring!